
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Taking Some Time to Smell the Roses

While surfing one of my fave blogs,  Moptop Maven, I ran across one of her more recent posts titled, Creating the Blue Print for your Dynamic Future, and fell in love! You have to love a girl who possesses both beauty and brains. As a pre-health major, planning and focusing on the future is about as regular as breathing, however, I'm always looking for better ways to tweak my "blueprint".  This uber chic chica inspired me sooo much last night that I went out and grabbed my trusty dusty Holly (my Breakfast at Tiffany's journal buried in my library somewhere) and starting writing away! I do suggest you lovely readers swing by her blog and check out her post. I especially appreciated learning about the S.M.A.R.T. approach to goal setting and planning. Another good reference to get your craniums wrinkling is The Go-Getter Girl’s Guide: Get What You Want in Work and Life (and Look Great While You’re at It). I read this book last Spring semester after my BFF recommended it to me. I must say, I do need to find myself with this book in hand again; very inspiring! 

So tell me, what are you're goals and how do you go about keeping yourself in line and in tune with them?

With much love,


Packed and Almost Ready to Go

Since this summer has been such a bore for me, I've had plenty of time to focus on next year's plans and organize  things to run as smooth as I can possibly control. I think there's a saying that goes, "we plan and God laughs".  I can only imagine what he's doing right now.

This year I feel the need to redeem my old bummish ways. While I'll still refuse to wear a heel in lab. I'll definitely take more time and consideration into my image. I used to wear my scrubs and call it a day since I'd go straight from work to class ( I start at 3am if you were interested). I've already fallen in love with these Crocs that would look rather edgy for work. However, I can't find a pic and will have to post them when they come in.  I rank my hair as my crown and glory. It really is, and I do not see myself falling off of that band wagon anytime soon, so if anything, I'll just get worse with my PJism. I will happily say that I do not crave fast food anymore; since visiting my fave salad bar, it seems like my body craves the good stuff now. If it can't be grown, I just won't do it....however, this does not apply to dessert. Yum!

Let's see, I really want to share with you all my new apps and gadgets to help me along this fitness challenge of mine. I recently purchased a workout journal by
Alex A. Lluch . I really love it. Inside you can track your weightloss over a six-month time span with graphs, log in entries for cardio and strength sessions with weekly reviews. This is great for the old school girl who's not a fan of online journals (wink  I especially like the weekly rap up section at the end of every week for reflection and goal setting. Its slender enough to fit in my purse yet large enough for easy writing without my hands cramping. Curse you bite-size Comp books!

 Speaking of online journals. I'm Stepping out on a limb this next semester and trading paper planners for my Blackberry. For me, this deserves an OMG! I religiously stick to all things paper, so this electronic thing will take time to adjust to. So far, so good though; might have to invest in some type of back up storage just in case it crashes, breaks (because I'm a klutz) or gets lost (because from time to time I get a heavy case of amnesia). 
I recently purchased a new app for my Blackberry, Student Buddy, and I really love it! I especially enjoy the feature that keeps track of my exams and other extra currics. I'll test the waters as a tech savy chica this fall; lets hope for the best for I have no problem relapsing into my old ways.


Where's the White Rabbit when you need him?

Well I must say that the past few days have flown by faster than I could blink, sit or stand. Life is spinning out of control over here in The Field, Mo.  I'll go whoo-sah for a few minutes so that this doesn't become a rant post. It seems I've been slacking on updating my blog....again. 

You know you work in a hospital when your shift lasts longer than 10 hours and everyone thinks that's perfectly normal. Not to sound like a sour puss, because hey,  I like getting paid as much as the next girl, but a sister really needs her beauty sleep. I think I'm growing bags under my eyes...dear lord.
While I've been away Dear Doggie Samantha trashes the place as any lonely pup would. That's when the guilt really sits in. I've been meaning to spend loads more time with her than our present little three hour dates. Today I was fortunate to be off at 7am so we've been playing all day and I can really tell she loves it. Thankfully, with school right around the corner, work will level out and I'll have a set daily schedule to play with Sam. I work like a dog, Order makes my tail wag. 

Speaking of school, there's a reason I self proclaim myself a "repressed socialite". I think I've managed hmmn....1 hang out time for myself this summer. All work in and no play leaves a rather stressed Reese. No one can capture the excitement I'm currently oozing about heading home in a couple weeks. All of my friends are there and there's nothing like a good girl bash wit the BFF's! Here's where the white rabbit really comes out in me: What am I going to wear? What will I do with my hair? Samantha? Only 2 weeks to plan with another insane work schedule in the mist; what is a girl to do?  Pardon me, not to be melodramatic, but I'm quite melodramatic. 


Sunday, July 25, 2010



Dear Blogger,

I promise to never leave you without a prior warning again.

Sincerely Yours,


Well ladies (and gents) I must say that the past three weeks have been the absolute busiest of this entire summer. I swear, I feel like I'm back in school already! But without further ado, a quick update on my life:

So I finally moved into my loft last weekend!! YES! Moving week was HELL and beyond. My roommate is traveling this summer so I moved her apartment and my own all the while coming in to work at 3am everyday that week. Can the choir say... Exhaustion?? Complete Understatement.

I feel like a turd though. I surely have not made any time for exercise. Poo. Despite the picture of the trans fatty snacks above, my devilish food of choice has ironically been salads. Yep, salads, loaded with avocados and chicken, bacon and creamy dressings. I might as well have just picked up a burger lol. Problem is I'm addicted to this new salad, wraps and smoothies bar, Toss Across Salads, that's located just downstairs from my loft.  I seriously don't know how I'm going to kick this habit, but I'll start by slowly weening myself off to only twice a week!

  I guess that means I need to reevaluate my B-Day fitness goals. Currently, I still have 6 weeks left to my B-Day, so I can still attempt to lose 10 lbs. So that's my new short-term goal. Its 10 lbs or BUST! My BFF Ri is throwing her B-Day party next month in St. Louis and I definitely want to look fit for this get together. When the girls are all in town, there will surely be pics, drinks and lots of laughs!
     I'm surely anticipating a night out with the girls


Friday, July 2, 2010

B-Day Fitness Challenge


So in light of it being summer and me being a Fall baby, September Ow Ow, I want to look extra snazzy for my 23rd B-Day. My goal is to get to 130 lbs by September 6th. My B-day is September 7th actually but I wont be thinking about my weight on my B-Day. That's a two month time frame. I definitely think I can at least get very close to this weight with enough diligence.

I'll be working out five days a week, giving myself the weekends off to relax and allow my body to heal. I'm going to center my weight loss challenge around interval training in my strength training and A LOT of cardio. I'll check in every two weeks with how the challenge is going. Of course working out is only half of the solution. Nutrition will be the hardest hurdle to climb but I'm looking at this with a positive outlook. I think it'll be interesting to watch myself make better food choices and experimenting is only half the fun! I already try to keep red meats to a bare minimum and I eat a lot of fish. It just kicking this soda habit of mine lol. Well, off to make a more concise plan, I'll update soon.


Hi All!

Welcome to my blog! Here I'll be recording my personal journey into my physical, emotional and mental manifestation into the person I want to become as well as my sporadic ramblings about whatever interests me at the moment.  For my first post I'll update you on a little more info about me and what you'll expect from my future entries.

Currently I'm documenting my struggle loosing these horrible 30lbs I've gained, toning my body and tweaking my dancing skills so I can accomplish a not-so-secret-anymore ambition of mine: professional cheerleading!  I have a few very
 passionate and haircare, dance and art. I love to draw! 

I am a newly natural beauty who loves her curls and all styles in between. I went back to my natural hair for its health and vitality just a few months ago but I promise I wont make this another hair blog (there are enough lovely ladies who do a fantastic job at that already). I do plan to have at least monthly updates though.
I LOVE helping people and I want to dedicate my life to doing just that. Biomedical science truly fascinates me and I'm diligently working towards becoming a Physician Assistant. I'm finishing up my Cellular and Molecular Biology degree in the next year and a half, and I'm sure once the school year starts back up I'll have plenty to ramble about in this area, kind of taking a much needed loooong break from anything academic until August.

I truly believe that in order to accomplish your goals they should be documented, revisited and changed if necessary. I know that with a positive, optimistic mind set all things are possible.

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be
~ David Viscott

So that's just a tid bit about me ...