
About Me

Sister, Daughter, Friend...that's me.

Lovely as all get out I'd  like to think. To most I'm a tad bit quircky. I say the first thing that comes to mind usually, random or not.....foolish or not.  However, to the select few (and I guess you too) I'm simply Reese: a girl who just may be too comfortable in her own skin in this day and age.

I'm a big family girl! I love my family; especially the relationship between my mother and I ( I'm one of those girls who calls their mom everyday for  no apparent reason at all but pure habit). My will to develop healthy relationships with women stems from the fact that I have soo many friggin sisters!! Three for the counting and that is more than enough for 1 girl  living in a house with 2 bathrooms!  For this blog, lets just reference them by initial...A, B and D (I'm C and no, my parents did not plan that).

If your friends are a depiction of yourself than obviously I'm more fabulous than I'd like to preach! Good people seem hard to come by these days, but I'm enriched with great memories and endlessly entertaining days among my friends! I'll mention them numerous times as they're very crucial aspects of my life. I wish I could tell you how I ended up feeling so repressed. I woke up one day and was like,  "Damn....all I do is study".  I remember those days when I had a social life lol; movies, boyfriend, parties, alcohol and lots of it! I believe that somewhere down the uber competitive lifestyle of the pre-med I lost control of well......everything; almost studying.....almost! LOL  I've spent some time refocusing my goals and semi-addressing this issue, yall can just sit back and sip an Arnold Palmer (my fave drink) and watch the manifestion that is Reese blossom!

My hobbies: Dancing.  I friggin love to dance! I love to work out, even though I'm currently having issues picking myself back up! I live vicariously through Holly Golightly; she's my style icon and my fashion taste (when not in scrubs) is true Prep; not that Holister, Aero shit they target to middle schoolers (excuse my French).  Every shade of pink makes me happy. My father was a boxer, I took up his craft for two years and now I'm ready to try it again. I love a boxer's physique! I heart Running. I'm running my first race next year and I plan to keep that trend going steady. I want to run for those who can't. I really do love helping too makes me happy. I never have a bad day at work (unless its because of something I've done to get written up....but that's another story for another day), but seriously, that's the beauty of working in healthcare. Its fulfilling stuff; warms me up real nice.  

I can be slightly country; hence the Lemonade/Ice Tea I swear by in the summer, hey, I'm a Midwest girl and I'm proud.  I love the arts; I won't deny my ability to whip up a mean sketch; maybe one day I'll be brave enough to sell some.  Ms. Badu said it best, " I am an artist so I'm sensitive about my shit".  I believe in princesses and the culture of class and sophistication (it'll never go out of style).  I read a saying once that personifies my ultimate life motto, "Beauty without Intelligence is a Masterpiece painted on a Napkin".  Its through knowledge that my value lies. I'm working on foreign language number 3, French, I want to get to 5; then I'll be content.

 I dream big.

 To be frank, I'm a little dork swirled in with snippets of obnoxiously, bubbly persona, a pinch of crude humor yet surprisingly light and free of calories; presented completely in a fashionable and visually appealing package.

We all have a story, so here's mine.