So school's started and so far so good. I'm killing this Biomolecular Interactions far at least :/. The roomie's moved in, but we both have such busy lives, we're STILL unpacking and its the second week of classes. I plan to make some fundamental changes in my chain of thoughts this year. For one, optimism is one hell of a drug; a good attitude about things can really change things. I usually get overwhelmed and pessismistic as each semester closes, but if I don't accomplish anything this year, I owe it to myself to just be happy. Damn. Life is too short for frowns.
These last few days have been quite unfortunate however. I lost all of my keys.....AAAAHHH! (I've been holding that in for a minute lol), definetily NOT how I wanted to start off my week lol.
On a side note, I'm sending Sam home; I don't think she really enjoys city living , she'll be better fitted at home in the country. I do want a doggie though, soo maybe its time to start searching for a better suited doggie for me.
This could be the most random blog post ever!! Its 8:17 in the morning and honestly, I just feel the need to let the many random topics running through my brain free....
I can't wait for my B-Day party this Labor Day weekend! I've made the guest list and sent out invites. We're doing dinner and dancing, slumber party (with a MJ dance off) and early morning brunch! Hopefully we wont be sick of each other by the time this is over lol. Time to start searching for a dress and tiara though. IDK what I want though, something colorful and short for sure. Hmmmmmm...........I'm stuck between flowy waves or tight ringlets for my hair. I'm trying to persuade my good friend Jazzy J to do my makeup, she's a guru in the making yall; she has a blog as well, so stop by if you have time;

I'm having lunch with my personal trainer to formulate a more realistic, achievable fitness/nutrition plan. I just hope she can give me some tips on how to ween myself off of dear DC.
I also decided that I will be blogging regularly 4 days a week; Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. So see you guys Friday, off to study Calculus...ugh.. I suck at math!