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@ReesesPieces06 |
Monday, December 27, 2010
Why Wait Until January 1rst to Begin a New Slate? Start Today!
Life will teach you a many of splendid things if you open your eyes and pay attention. This year hasn't been the nicest to me: a breakup from hell, friends lost, battled a couple cycles of depression, blah, blah, blah, but I also moved on from a destructive relationship, rekindled some friendships, fell in love with some old hobbies and figured things out about myself that only adversity can teach one. It's all a matter of perspective. While some of you think of what you'll be giving up or adding in your lives for 2011, I challenge you to start today. Right now. Time waits for no one, and if its proposed that we'll all give in to our old ways by March, you're better off with a head start anyway. Cliche or not, I plan on living a healthier lifestyle. Good thing is, my gym is right across the street from my house. Talk about lazy, I really want to kick myself in the shins sometimes for not getting up and working out. I've started living healthier already and so far, so good. It's been three weeks, and I'm back to running as soon as I wake up. I don't care how late I get to bed, I'm up at six a.m. outside running (since there's no snow yet) and then its back to bed. The motto this year is Something is better than Nothing.
Nutrition is more of a challenge but I'm letting go of some sincerely bad choices slowly but surely. Like dear Diet Coke for example. Everyone knows I can drink this stuff by the gallon; liquid crack it is. Yet, I'm replacing every urge for soda with juice, Naked is my personal fave, and water. My skin thanks me for this decision. I KNOW I have to let go of my sugar and salt cravings slowly or I'm bound to experience a purge outside of this universe,so expect updates on that journey; healthy recipes, raves and rants.
Besides making health conscious life decisions my list of resolutions and goals for 2011 are short and sweet.

Run some more races for charity!
Blog regularly
Master Spanish and start French (its time to throw in the towel on Espanol and move on lol)
Stick to my hair regimen hahaha
That last one's a doozy. I'm anal about my hair, another blog post for another day, trust me.
So there's my resolutions for 2011. Good luck and best wishes figuring out your own resolutions and for the hell of it, start today; stay in the moment.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas Everyone!!

I sure hope you all enjoy your Christmas with your families and friends! Thanks for reading my blog and following me! I greatly appreciate it and I'll be back to blogging tomorrow!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Fly like a Bird and Take to the Sky
Soooo now that that's all over its back to life, back to reality. Kudos to all you retail folk who worked this Black Friday, especially all the Walmart employees. My friend went out around 10:00pm Thursday night and didn't leave that wretched place until 5:20 in the morning. I chuckled while she demonstrated shuffling to me, apparently walking wasn't possible. Lucky for her, she's pretty physically fit so she got her morning run in.
If you've been with me for a while, you may have noticed that my blogs undergone some extreme changes. I had to rename it, thoughts and recollections of a repressed socialite couldn't quiet describe my life anymore lol. Matter of fact, I need to repress the socialite. Balance is key.
Recently I've just been ready to get away, its that end of the semester itch, kinda, sorta, but not really like the anticipation bulls feel right before they release them for a rodeo show, like, "just let me go already!" Good luck to all the college kids prepping for finals this next upcoming weeks. Just remember, if you don't know it by now, you probably wont be able to master the whole semester in 2 weeks. I shall be spending my time digging deeper into my studies of the Zen Buddhist religion, pulling that old sketchpad from up under my bed and getting back to the things I love to do best: read, blog, dance, and sketch. Oh, and lets not forget running. Luckily this snow melted. Time to take full advantage of the last little bit of outdoor mileage I can rack up before it gets ugly, not many things can reduce the madness in my head like a long run. When the world becomes too much, I hit pause and recenter. So if you don't see me, its because I'm in the clouds.
If you've been with me for a while, you may have noticed that my blogs undergone some extreme changes. I had to rename it, thoughts and recollections of a repressed socialite couldn't quiet describe my life anymore lol. Matter of fact, I need to repress the socialite. Balance is key.
Recently I've just been ready to get away, its that end of the semester itch, kinda, sorta, but not really like the anticipation bulls feel right before they release them for a rodeo show, like, "just let me go already!" Good luck to all the college kids prepping for finals this next upcoming weeks. Just remember, if you don't know it by now, you probably wont be able to master the whole semester in 2 weeks. I shall be spending my time digging deeper into my studies of the Zen Buddhist religion, pulling that old sketchpad from up under my bed and getting back to the things I love to do best: read, blog, dance, and sketch. Oh, and lets not forget running. Luckily this snow melted. Time to take full advantage of the last little bit of outdoor mileage I can rack up before it gets ugly, not many things can reduce the madness in my head like a long run. When the world becomes too much, I hit pause and recenter. So if you don't see me, its because I'm in the clouds.
Is It All Ready Time to Say Goodbye to Fall?
Well dang. I was just getting warmed up....
What's ironic and funny is that my last Thanks post was about discipline and here I am, about 5 or 6 days short of completing my Month of Thanks series. Sorry, does it count that I missed blogging because of work? I live there currently. To finish this off, here's my last 6 things I'm thankful for.
#6 Volunteering: I'm very much thankful for the many lessons I've learned helping those less fortunate than myself. Do something nice for someone, it'll make you feel better. I promise.
#5 Mentors: I've cultivated some amazing friggin people on my journey. They've taught me key lessons to becoming a better student, leader and just an all around better person. I wish I could carry them in my back pocket most days.
#4 Audrey Hepburn:
#2 My Mom: I'll have to make a seperate post for my momma dearest later on but she's my favoritist person and I'd be insane for not thanking the one who brought me into this world.
I hope everyone had a most lovely Turkey Day. I worked and slept, completly exhausted to say the least. I swear it was just yesterday the trees were only beginning to change colors and today, well, it snowed. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. I haven't had enough Pumpkin Spice lattes!! Oh and Starbucks, feel free to sponsor me to broadcast the deliciousness your sweet coffee nectar brings any day wink, wink lol.
What's ironic and funny is that my last Thanks post was about discipline and here I am, about 5 or 6 days short of completing my Month of Thanks series. Sorry, does it count that I missed blogging because of work? I live there currently. To finish this off, here's my last 6 things I'm thankful for.
#6 Volunteering: I'm very much thankful for the many lessons I've learned helping those less fortunate than myself. Do something nice for someone, it'll make you feel better. I promise.
#5 Mentors: I've cultivated some amazing friggin people on my journey. They've taught me key lessons to becoming a better student, leader and just an all around better person. I wish I could carry them in my back pocket most days.
#4 Audrey Hepburn:
"Everything I learned I learned from the
— Audrey Hepburn
How am I not grateful for this big screen siren? I said it once and I'll say it again: I live vicariously through Holly Golightly. What would I do on a lonely Friday night without Breakfast at Tiffany's and a bowl of icecream??
#3 Education: I'm blessed to be a public school educated, hell yeah, American girl. I take my education seriously and try to get the most out of it as often as possible. On a serious note, overseas some kids die for the oppurtunity to get what we often take for granted and I won't forget the many women and African-American people who fought to get theirs here also; study on scholars.
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#1 Love: Everybody could use a little more love. Every kind is the best kind.
Later Gators,

Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Day 17 & 18: Double Whammy! Faith and Self-Discipline
I have quite a lot of catching up to do on this blog so I've merged yesterday and today's Thanks into one grand post centered on appreciating the virtues of faith and discipline. That actually sounds sort of weird to write about. I mean, how can one be thankful for aquiring an intangible trait? I guess in a world where everyone wants to live the "good life", expect immediate rewards with minimal effort, cut throats and sell souls to get to the top, I can surely take time out to count my blessings for appreciating the richness of a few of life's chivalrous values. I chose Faith and Self-Discipline because well, they compliment each other. 
Friend: I've been trying to get in contact with you.
Me: Why so?
Friend: Cos you got the job??
Oh, I forgot to add that I had no phone either, I was using my friends line at the time til I could turn mine back on. Apparently my dream job, the one that would be my stepping stone to bigger and better things, was quite impressed with my application and wanted to take the next step toward employment...4 months later that is. In the back of my mind I thought, surely that job was long gone and out of my grasps. I'm chuckling as I type because I dropped to the ground in the student union and everyone stared at me like a lunatic. I didn't care if they didn't get it. I didn't start praying or anything, but my days of dusty ass grits, sans butter or sugar, ramen noodles and Easy Mac were slowly coming to an end and that was well worth singing the praise Hallelujah (not to mention dream job vs.McDonalds was very kickass too).
That period of my life tested my faith, very much opening the eyes of a non-believer. God knows I'm strong willed, he literally has to break me hardcore to reach me. I'm still learning this.
In retrospect, faith is the harder of the two to write about for me because I have the least experience dealing with it. However, discipline is my long lost cousin, one of my closest friends.
As any premedical undergrad student knows, the journey to gain acceptance to any U.S. medical school is a long, hard and strenuous road. Many fall through the cracks while others reach the finish line graciously. Staying focused on my career ambitions and goals strengthened my self discipline but it didn't teach me it. I'm thankful for possesing this ability before I entered the race, because without it, I'd surely fail. Here's another rave about mah daddy, he held my hand and introduced me to the meaning of discipline at a very young age; through art actually, later dance, boxing and most important of all, academics. Self-discipline is the glue that holds dedication and motivation, hard-work and vision into one big ball of success. We only strengthen it through practice and it all starts with some solid self esteem. Rarely have I heard of people getting golden tickets to achievement without holding on to some type of dream and then having the discipline to seek it out until completion. Whether we shoot for financial, career, fitness, spiritual goals and more, a sound amount of this stuff will keep us along our path through rain and sun. So yeah, discipline is right up there with double layered chocolate cake with chocolate icing: Perfect.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Day 16- Music: The Beautiful Disturber of Air
Currently my ears are scarred due to never taking out my Ipod and yet, the only thing on my mind is how long it'll be before they heal so I can put them back in.....
I'm not antisocial, I promise, I just love my music. It can inspire and relax all with the press of the next button. Artist may take alot of crap for the happenings in their personal lives, but I just don't know quite what I'd do without them. Why yes, I do sing in the shower, but god forbid the day anyone other than my family and roommate have to listen to that.
I used to play the alto saxophone when I was little; played the hell out of Hot Cross Buns too. Don't judge me readers, I loved that song and I played it with exuberant amounts of passion. I'm sure most of us were made to music. Ode to Al Green (and many others) for increasing the population in the '70's. Thanks for Michael Jackson, period. I pay hommage to 90's gangsta rap for providing me with lyrical ammo to spit at all my haters. Here's to R&B: good R&B music will remain my favorite genre til the day I die.
Thank you Music for uniting people regardless of color, creed and background, not completely, but for the length of a song or a concert; for a moment in time we're just fans. I love how you can describe my life in words more eloquently than I can. Girls just wanna have fun? I know right! Thanks for getting me through some of life's worst moments and giving me the extra sprinkle of hope I sometimes need. Here's to boy bands. I'll always love you Kevin, Aj, Nick, Brian, Howie, Justin, Lance, JC, Joey and Chris. You were the demi gods of my pre-teen years. Here's to my facebook statuses (which are about 90% lyrics) because I've just ran out of things to say these days. I'll always make time for you music. You. Complete. Me.

Honestly I'm a fan of everything, unless of course, I'm cringing more than 3x before the chorus plays. No, but really, I just have to be in the mood for it. Can you imagine watching a movie without music? The only thing scary about scary movies nowadays is the music. Hmmm maybe being in the hospital warps that opinion just a tad bit.
Oh? So you have 50 murderous stab wounds to the chest with blood and some strange bodily fluid rushing out of them ?
Seen it.

Day 15: Friendship
"There may be big ships and small ships but the best ship of all is Friendship"

Day 14: Siblings
Yep. Can't live with them, sure as hell can't live without them. Day 14, you're all about my bro and sisters.
One thing about being apart of my large family is silence, it doesn't exist. At least not in our house it doesn't. In the 23 years I've been alive, I've yet to remember a day where there was peace and quiet, even sleep was loud because surely, 3 out of the 5 of us was snoring like we were breathing our last breaths. I'm blessed with 4 wonderful, irreplaceable hermanitos. All indistinctively unique in their own light. My parents often remind me that I complained everytime one was born (I'm the oldest). Selfishness is a character flaw of mine btw but I was out of my mind in those days. Once I moved off to college they were the very first people I missed more than anything else. I have to add my cousin to the mix, she's sort of a sister too and equally missed.

Many of my greatest memories include my siblings. I mean, what's not to love about them? Who would I have to test out my cookin on? Because of them I can watch cartoons without feeling guilty for being a college student and grown ass woman. No one will ever tell you about yourself like a sibling. They don't hold back nothing (and I really wanna say shit just for the much needed emphasis) and they usually know your triggers to so they know exactly which buttons to press lol. Sometimes ya fall out; people change and everyone needs time to grow into who they're supposed to be, but even reuniting with a sibling outshines reuniting with friends in my experience. I've changed a diaper or two, babysitted alot, fought with, imagined a many of ridiculous games with, cried with, and laughed non-stop with these people. I hope they're reading this and looking back on those "lets see who can stay quiet for 5 minutes" games of back in the day, most pointless game ever ( I think our parents invented that game to be honest). The best thing about my siblings is that they accept and love me in all of my flaws, no frontin with family!
Thanks guys! Its good to know I'll always have minions to do my evil work.
Day 13: Life
Oh the things we take for granted. I spent the entire day thinking about what I'd like to dedicate Day 13 to. It actually just hit me sitting here at the computer. I'd like to share a tale of a girl who wasn't always so happy and almost did the unthinkable, no bullshit, I promise lol. This is sort of a confessional story, remembrance to those who've fallen and possibly hope to other inflicted folk.
Oh why hello Depression, I've been expecting you.
Please, come in, take a seat.
Would like some tea?
Not to be dramatic, but that's sort of how it went. I've spent the past year and a half working on doing everything I physically can to stay one step ahead of the game. Sometimes I slip up. I'm still learning. For me personally, the common denominator was eliminating as much negativity as possible from my life. Sure, I probably hurt some feelings, let some down or even given up parts of my life I sometimes wish I could revisit but in the end I'm a much happier person and its much more visible to notice when it hits because of this. Blogging has been such an amazing experience so far, a much needed outlet. I'm quiet bored of journals to be honest.
I have to remind myself however that there are plenty of other people not so fortunate and as someone who walks this dark path often, I know how hard it is to juggle a mental illness and keep a smile or go about one's daily business. So I pray for all those facing these demons, their families and loved ones. Its hard, I know, but after the rain, no matter how long it pours, the sun eventually appears. Today, lets celebrate that.
According to TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms, a non-profit organization dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.) there's an estimated 19 million Americans suffering with depression, two out of three never get the medical attention that they need, and often more times than not, this leads to suicide (twloha.com). I'm really sorry if you came to my blog today looking for the bubbly Reese Nicole. I promise, she'll be back tommorrow, I can wake you when she gets here but I'd like to take a second and be thankful for still having the most sacred of entities I'll ever posses.
Its been almost a year and half since I was first diagnosed with clinical depression. I can say I'm most unrecognizable by most nowadays. I'm doing fairly well, but I remember the times when I stayed near the darkness, never socialized, always slept, hated life and sometimes attempted to take it. You see, at the time the thing I didn't understand about my own depression was that I didn't control it. It was an energy wave, a cycle I had to learn to track. It swept into my life at the most unfortunate of times too. I feared being my own worst enemy. Everyday of happiness just meant one step closer to meeting an old bully.
Please, come in, take a seat.
Would like some tea?
Not to be dramatic, but that's sort of how it went. I've spent the past year and a half working on doing everything I physically can to stay one step ahead of the game. Sometimes I slip up. I'm still learning. For me personally, the common denominator was eliminating as much negativity as possible from my life. Sure, I probably hurt some feelings, let some down or even given up parts of my life I sometimes wish I could revisit but in the end I'm a much happier person and its much more visible to notice when it hits because of this. Blogging has been such an amazing experience so far, a much needed outlet. I'm quiet bored of journals to be honest.
I have to remind myself however that there are plenty of other people not so fortunate and as someone who walks this dark path often, I know how hard it is to juggle a mental illness and keep a smile or go about one's daily business. So I pray for all those facing these demons, their families and loved ones. Its hard, I know, but after the rain, no matter how long it pours, the sun eventually appears. Today, lets celebrate that.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day 12: Mah Daddy!
Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express. ~Joseph Addison
For Day 12, I'd like to make a toast to my one and only Father. If there's anyone in the world I couldn't be more thankful for it'd have to be Mom, but today Daddy, its you. Here's to raising me with the knowledge that a man can't take too many body shots to the ribs. That eventually boys will become bigger and stronger than me so its not a good idea to hit them because you'd hate to do time (but you would if you had to). That no decent man will ever marry me if I don't learn how to cook and that sometimes you have to put that jersey away and put on a dress for goodness sakes! Here's to taking the remote control out of my hand and replacing it with an encyclopedia. "If you don't know a word, look it up, then use it in a sentence". Yes, and teaching me that X-men shall always remain the most badass group of superheroes in existence. That my fists won't always teach someone respect and surely my mouth will get me in some serious trouble one day, so I ought to think before I speak. For furthering my inquisition of art, dance, literature and science. Thanks for hooking me on peanut butter pancakes and watching Saturday morning cartoons, every Saturday morning, like clockwork. For practicing cheers with me, and those `Nsync dolls, yeah, I want those back now. Thanks for always waiting for me at the bus stop so I wouldn't get hurt walking home, even if we only lived only a block away and regardless of how late, cold, rain or snow; weather was irrelevant. Thanks for making me into a Warrior, a stone cold killa grrrr, supa Ninja, power ranga: tough on the outside but soft like fresh playdough on the inside. For wiping my tears away when I broke up with my first boyfriend, second...third.....you catch my drift. Thanks for kickin my ass when I needed it, some kids just need a whoopin and a hug, I needed many but in other news, bestestest of all, thank you for never letting me justify any excuse to not perform at the highest level possible. I really may be rich one day, I won't forget what you've done, I'll buy you that house. So thanks Dad, here's to you!
Until tomorrow folks!
For Day 12, I'd like to make a toast to my one and only Father. If there's anyone in the world I couldn't be more thankful for it'd have to be Mom, but today Daddy, its you. Here's to raising me with the knowledge that a man can't take too many body shots to the ribs. That eventually boys will become bigger and stronger than me so its not a good idea to hit them because you'd hate to do time (but you would if you had to). That no decent man will ever marry me if I don't learn how to cook and that sometimes you have to put that jersey away and put on a dress for goodness sakes! Here's to taking the remote control out of my hand and replacing it with an encyclopedia. "If you don't know a word, look it up, then use it in a sentence". Yes, and teaching me that X-men shall always remain the most badass group of superheroes in existence. That my fists won't always teach someone respect and surely my mouth will get me in some serious trouble one day, so I ought to think before I speak. For furthering my inquisition of art, dance, literature and science. Thanks for hooking me on peanut butter pancakes and watching Saturday morning cartoons, every Saturday morning, like clockwork. For practicing cheers with me, and those `Nsync dolls, yeah, I want those back now. Thanks for always waiting for me at the bus stop so I wouldn't get hurt walking home, even if we only lived only a block away and regardless of how late, cold, rain or snow; weather was irrelevant. Thanks for making me into a Warrior, a stone cold killa grrrr, supa Ninja, power ranga: tough on the outside but soft like fresh playdough on the inside. For wiping my tears away when I broke up with my first boyfriend, second...third.....you catch my drift. Thanks for kickin my ass when I needed it, some kids just need a whoopin and a hug, I needed many but in other news, bestestest of all, thank you for never letting me justify any excuse to not perform at the highest level possible. I really may be rich one day, I won't forget what you've done, I'll buy you that house. So thanks Dad, here's to you!
Until tomorrow folks!
It's Never Too Late to Jump into the Game!!
Dear Fall,
I Love You,
Where to start?
Up until this year I always considered myself a Fall baby, that is until a special someone, cough..cough..Vincent, ruined my happiness and informed me that September 7th is still summer. Clearly, he's out of his mind though, so I'll write that off as irrelevant. From the change of colors to Halloween and Thanksgiving, Fall has given me some of the absolute dearest memories. I like to kickstart the season with Pumpkin Spice Lattes from good ole Starbucks. Oh Starbucks, you never do me dirty. The best color palettes are fall palettes: dark purples, navy, maroons, creams, oh yes, the list goes on. Don't get me wrong, pank (pink) is my favorite nailpolish color but tis the season to change it up and once I get these nails of mine to grow out some more, guess who'll be taking full advantage of the seasons newest shades?

Good Friends. Yeah, this could really apply to any season but ever notice how the last few months of the year just bring people together in ways Spring and Summer just can't compare to? People get nicer, humbler, more giving and lol more thankful. Those who've pissed us off previously even sometimes get an occasional smile. I love Fall because it brings folks together and makes 'um appreciative of the little things (well, most people, we have to throw in the occasional Grump) and I'll tip my hat to plain old happiness anyday. Yep. I wish you could stay forever Fall.
I love you.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I Be's a Root Toot Tootin Damn Fool! Happy Halloweeny even if it is November 5th!
I hope you enjoyed your Halloween as much as I did down here in The Field, Mo. Seriously, I think I out do myself every year! For a long time I couldn't decide what to be. Honestly, IMO the slutty cop, maid, nurse thing has grown old with me, so when everyone takes it all off, I put more on. I'm not downing anyone. Hmmm take a trip down memory lane with me...
This year I just wanted to dance..um, without my feet hurting by 12 'o clock. Here's the best thing about all of this, I show up at the club and half of my friends went as cowboys too! Who'd of thunk? We were a mean gang of desperados partna.
Halloween was an epic success I'll always remember. Can't wait til next year!
Lightyears before the whole Twighlight craze I spent every Halloween as a vampire; for 4 years to be exact. It was beyond obsession. My sophomore year of college I took a risk and tested out the "lets have an excuse to be nekkid" thing and went as a Playboy Bunny. I loved it, it was fun, but my mom saw pics and cried lol sooooo it was good while it lasted lol. Last year I went as a Mad Scientist. It took alot of out me to step out with no makeup, green afroed hair and waisthigh pants and suspenders, yet ironically it was a smash at the costume party. In fact, I took 2nd place in a contest (I was out shined by some girl in my baby sister's Miss Muffet costume...go figure).

Anyways, Springfield has an annual Halloween pub crawl. I snapped a few pics for you all of some of the funnier costumes of the night.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Welcome Back!
It's been a long time comin but I'm back and feeling much better than ever everyone! Sometimes you have to fall, bust your bottom a couple times and bruise your forehead (five head in my case), before you can move forward. Without our adversities, we'd never become stronger people, the people we were meant to be to achieve our hopes and dreams. I've been doing alot of thinking about where I want to take this blog and what I need to do to make it bigger and better! Girl's got a message to share with the world!
The past few weeks have been spent doing everything bad, I won't lie to you all. I think I have what most like to call Senioritis. Yepperz! That's exactly what it is! Absolute dumbest thing in the world too, complete oxymoron and a key way to STAY a senior. So its midway through the semester and like I professed earlier, I won't lie yall, its been a complete disaster. Good thing is, I've gotten what I needed from these past 3 weeks of pure Hedonistic fun: The Spark. Have you ever yondered through life pondering why exactly you're doing what you're doing? Why exactly am I in this class again?? I would add work, but well, that's a no brainer.
To stay on track, we should all have goals and as much as God laughs at our plans, having a vision is essential to experiencing a fullfilled and balanced life. Personally, I need goals for my spiritual, financial, career, and personal life. Those are the 4 areas that I concentrate most of my time on. Currently I've walked into a fork in the road, its called growing older, graduating, moving on; lots of decisions to make, very little time. Its the time when every senior takes a look at their life (and transcript) and say, okay, so what's my next move, all the while being completely honest in the process. In the midst of reinventing the "blueprint" that is my life, I concluded that while the essentials are here to stay: shoot for PA school, have 2.5 kids + dog and marry a normal, down to earth man, haha, there were two obvious spiritual/personal goal that I must say bye bye to. Now let me throw out this disclaimer before I begin: these are my opinions that I choose to stand by in my life and mine only. I truely gives no fuck how everyone else lives their lifes, do what you do and do it proudly!
Live for the present and live simply. Now, you might say, "well that completely trumps everything you just said". Maybe so. Planning is good, having a vision is necessary, but I'm done spending most my time worrying about it. I believe I've been spending soo much of my time focused on how I want to live 5, 10 years from now, I forget how effin great I have it now. Focusing on the future makes the present appear insignificant and trivial. I wake up hating life, a droid to the system, clock in, clock out until I find myself in my local Starbucks with a Carmel Machiatto pondering, "why am I doing this again?" Count your blessings I say, do it everyday because surely it'd be fucked up if I die tomorrow and the only thing I thought about was acing my next Calc exam. In fact, that would be complete bullshit, like....can we do a redo please? So to be brief, as much as I have 5 copies of my future goals; on my wall, in my purse, on the refrigerator, etc,etc, I'll go back to them in a timely fashion but I'm focused on making sure I live everyday emboding all the qualities needed to accomplish those goals. Take time to center yourself and hopefully you'll never disappoint.
Live simply, well duh right, especially in this economy, but let me tell you all; I love the finer things in life. As proclaimed in the above paragraph, I dream about it and sometimes I have a guilty pleasure of splurging on it...okay, most if not all of the time. Besides the point, over the years I've been on this journey to rid myself of my obsession with the superficial; the hype that everyone wants you to believe makes man successful. Well, I'm still on that journey. No, I'm not going to spend a year on some remote island and come back looking like Mel Gibson in Cast Away with Jesus sandals on, but in centering myself and enjoying my present, I want to ensure I continue to live an honorable life. It does my blueprint no good if I'm meditating and focusing on how to go about getting shitfaced fastest without it being noticable by my coworkers lol. I look at my life and I'm quite pleased. I have everything I need: food, water, shelter, doe, good family and amazing friends. God forbid, unless one of these things should change, I'm more than satisfied and hopefully never in need of a reason to pout about how much of a victim I am. As far as the luxurious things I'd die for, I'll do my time. Just like I was told to graduate from Seventeen to Vogue, from Wet and Wild to Dior and Yves Saint Laurent (and not that there's anything wrong with the lesser because I love them all but) if I stick to my goals, live for the moment and remember what's really important, those things are only two snaps and facebook status away. So I'm feeling awesome and the spark's back. Guess who's ready to kick ass and take names?
Good night yall
The past few weeks have been spent doing everything bad, I won't lie to you all. I think I have what most like to call Senioritis. Yepperz! That's exactly what it is! Absolute dumbest thing in the world too, complete oxymoron and a key way to STAY a senior. So its midway through the semester and like I professed earlier, I won't lie yall, its been a complete disaster. Good thing is, I've gotten what I needed from these past 3 weeks of pure Hedonistic fun: The Spark. Have you ever yondered through life pondering why exactly you're doing what you're doing? Why exactly am I in this class again?? I would add work, but well, that's a no brainer.
To stay on track, we should all have goals and as much as God laughs at our plans, having a vision is essential to experiencing a fullfilled and balanced life. Personally, I need goals for my spiritual, financial, career, and personal life. Those are the 4 areas that I concentrate most of my time on. Currently I've walked into a fork in the road, its called growing older, graduating, moving on; lots of decisions to make, very little time. Its the time when every senior takes a look at their life (and transcript) and say, okay, so what's my next move, all the while being completely honest in the process. In the midst of reinventing the "blueprint" that is my life, I concluded that while the essentials are here to stay: shoot for PA school, have 2.5 kids + dog and marry a normal, down to earth man, haha, there were two obvious spiritual/personal goal that I must say bye bye to. Now let me throw out this disclaimer before I begin: these are my opinions that I choose to stand by in my life and mine only. I truely gives no fuck how everyone else lives their lifes, do what you do and do it proudly!
Live for the present and live simply. Now, you might say, "well that completely trumps everything you just said". Maybe so. Planning is good, having a vision is necessary, but I'm done spending most my time worrying about it. I believe I've been spending soo much of my time focused on how I want to live 5, 10 years from now, I forget how effin great I have it now. Focusing on the future makes the present appear insignificant and trivial. I wake up hating life, a droid to the system, clock in, clock out until I find myself in my local Starbucks with a Carmel Machiatto pondering, "why am I doing this again?" Count your blessings I say, do it everyday because surely it'd be fucked up if I die tomorrow and the only thing I thought about was acing my next Calc exam. In fact, that would be complete bullshit, like....can we do a redo please? So to be brief, as much as I have 5 copies of my future goals; on my wall, in my purse, on the refrigerator, etc,etc, I'll go back to them in a timely fashion but I'm focused on making sure I live everyday emboding all the qualities needed to accomplish those goals. Take time to center yourself and hopefully you'll never disappoint.
Live simply, well duh right, especially in this economy, but let me tell you all; I love the finer things in life. As proclaimed in the above paragraph, I dream about it and sometimes I have a guilty pleasure of splurging on it...okay, most if not all of the time. Besides the point, over the years I've been on this journey to rid myself of my obsession with the superficial; the hype that everyone wants you to believe makes man successful. Well, I'm still on that journey. No, I'm not going to spend a year on some remote island and come back looking like Mel Gibson in Cast Away with Jesus sandals on, but in centering myself and enjoying my present, I want to ensure I continue to live an honorable life. It does my blueprint no good if I'm meditating and focusing on how to go about getting shitfaced fastest without it being noticable by my coworkers lol. I look at my life and I'm quite pleased. I have everything I need: food, water, shelter, doe, good family and amazing friends. God forbid, unless one of these things should change, I'm more than satisfied and hopefully never in need of a reason to pout about how much of a victim I am. As far as the luxurious things I'd die for, I'll do my time. Just like I was told to graduate from Seventeen to Vogue, from Wet and Wild to Dior and Yves Saint Laurent (and not that there's anything wrong with the lesser because I love them all but) if I stick to my goals, live for the moment and remember what's really important, those things are only two snaps and facebook status away. So I'm feeling awesome and the spark's back. Guess who's ready to kick ass and take names?
Good night yall
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Hiatus Yall!
Hey guys! I will be taking a short hiatus from blogging! Some things have came up that will take up all my free time for now. Be on the lookout for my return in two weeks though!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Update! Update! Read all about it!
Hi Yall!
I've noticed that I'm picking up followers, Yah! THANK YOU! I haven't even started advertising my blog yet, so this is pretty sweet! Oh how I missed you blogger! These last few weeks I have been trying to "refocus" my life, however, when you're Reese Nicole, such things do not exist. There will always be something! Ha! Currently, I've lost my house keys...for the 2nd time this month, and while I'm on the verge of tears, the little voice in my head says, "You know what, shit just seems to happen to you, so deal with it, don't cry this time". Its my inner Athena. Oh, have I not told you all, I adore the Goddess Athena. Greek Mythology intrigues me, and I aim to live vicariously through her (and Holly Golightly). So that's my new philosophy: Deal with It and Cry later (in the dark where no one can see or hear you)lol.
School is picking up! Note to self: Do not fall behind, ever. Easier said than done right? Yeah, I know. What do I have to look forward to this fall? Well, I'm Trick or Treating for Unicef (and havent decided on a costume yet) and there's the Pow Wow in November, which I'm really, really looking forward to and the International Banquet; a night of fun, food and dancing from international students. Clubs and bars are the usual, sorry Mom but I need my Thursday night Rumple. AND (and yes, I am getting squeamish about starting a sentence with and) but training for my first race! I'm back in the gym guys and it feels damn good! One step closer to my future "Damn She Fine" phsycially fit body! It takes alot of work to be the best, but the payoff will be worth it, mentally and physically.
Stay posted!
I've noticed that I'm picking up followers, Yah! THANK YOU! I haven't even started advertising my blog yet, so this is pretty sweet! Oh how I missed you blogger! These last few weeks I have been trying to "refocus" my life, however, when you're Reese Nicole, such things do not exist. There will always be something! Ha! Currently, I've lost my house keys...for the 2nd time this month, and while I'm on the verge of tears, the little voice in my head says, "You know what, shit just seems to happen to you, so deal with it, don't cry this time". Its my inner Athena. Oh, have I not told you all, I adore the Goddess Athena. Greek Mythology intrigues me, and I aim to live vicariously through her (and Holly Golightly). So that's my new philosophy: Deal with It and Cry later (in the dark where no one can see or hear you)lol.
School is picking up! Note to self: Do not fall behind, ever. Easier said than done right? Yeah, I know. What do I have to look forward to this fall? Well, I'm Trick or Treating for Unicef (and havent decided on a costume yet) and there's the Pow Wow in November, which I'm really, really looking forward to and the International Banquet; a night of fun, food and dancing from international students. Clubs and bars are the usual, sorry Mom but I need my Thursday night Rumple. AND (and yes, I am getting squeamish about starting a sentence with and) but training for my first race! I'm back in the gym guys and it feels damn good! One step closer to my future "Damn She Fine" phsycially fit body! It takes alot of work to be the best, but the payoff will be worth it, mentally and physically.
Stay posted!
Monday, September 13, 2010
La Dolce Vita!
So recently I've been thinking about how to go about organizing my blog to more of what I originally believed it to be. Monday's will forever more be deemed Motivational Mondays here; 1) bc I hate Monday's and thinking positive is a better way to handle this situation and 2) well, there is no 2!
So because lately I've sloughed off into couch potato land once again, a long, good workout is so in store for tonight. Its never too late to start over. I do have a set weight in mind, however, my goal is to just live a more healthy lifestyle. I'm sure the weight will fall off in time. No worries here, just sitting back and enjoying the transformation into Hot Mama mode lol. Speaking of which, soo naturally I have some weight loss idols of my own that I look up to for their physique and lifestyle. One of which is Mel B. I love her body, she has some great muscle tone IMO. Her abs are killer! I'd love to be in shape like that. With me, its 60% mental lol. I have to have something to look forward to. Well in February I am running this race and I know I'm going to take full advantage of being in Florida. Yeah, that's motivation right there. I often feel like such a tourist when I'm in Cali or some other coastal region, like, since I cant visit the beach regularly my body well, it screams Springfield, Mo. Hahaha Honestly, I have to dream of days when I'll get out of here. Like, I have no one to impress currently, but that doesnt mean that one day I wont and that's enough motivation for me! Off to the gym I go!
So because lately I've sloughed off into couch potato land once again, a long, good workout is so in store for tonight. Its never too late to start over. I do have a set weight in mind, however, my goal is to just live a more healthy lifestyle. I'm sure the weight will fall off in time. No worries here, just sitting back and enjoying the transformation into Hot Mama mode lol. Speaking of which, soo naturally I have some weight loss idols of my own that I look up to for their physique and lifestyle. One of which is Mel B. I love her body, she has some great muscle tone IMO. Her abs are killer! I'd love to be in shape like that. With me, its 60% mental lol. I have to have something to look forward to. Well in February I am running this race and I know I'm going to take full advantage of being in Florida. Yeah, that's motivation right there. I often feel like such a tourist when I'm in Cali or some other coastal region, like, since I cant visit the beach regularly my body well, it screams Springfield, Mo. Hahaha Honestly, I have to dream of days when I'll get out of here. Like, I have no one to impress currently, but that doesnt mean that one day I wont and that's enough motivation for me! Off to the gym I go!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Its my Party, I'll dance if I want to!!
So I'm finally 23 but I feel not even a millisecond older. Yesterday, September 7th, was my birthday. I celebrated over the Labor Day weekend since my Mama and Lil Sis have birthdays very close to mine. I enjoyed sharing it with them as well. I know, its Tuesday, and I'm late on updating you all, but it was my birthday and all so give me a lil slack why not?
I'm completely worn out from all the partying this weekend! I had a literal 2 day celebration filled with late night partying, dancing, doing insane but hilariously funny drunk crap and lots, dare I say, lots of picture taking! My cheeks are just sore! It was a very busy weekend. I flew in at 12, had to go shopping for dresses and shoes, thank you gifts, eyebrow and hair appointments....busy busy beaver.
As far as the dieting challenge goes ladies and gents......boo!! I lost 10 lbs, which is good, but being that I did absolutely no work to get there, its probably just water weight anyway. The only good thing I can say is that I honestly do not enjoy eating fast food. Nope, not at all, I can eat it, but I don't crave it. Never thought I'd see the day that happened, but making better nutrition choices is easier than moving my fat bum into the gym ....for me at least!
So I'm currently underway getting my life back on track. I committed the cardinal sin some few weeks back; I lost my planner. Hopefully it will pop up and I'll be back in business. Time for some new, more realistic challenges for fall! Hope schools going well to all the college kids! I can't wait to get out of here!!
Until Wednesday Folks!
FYI: I've given up electronic planning, nope, not my style. I got so frustrated trying to write in assignments, it just felt wrong.
Friday, September 3, 2010
23 Lessons in 23 Years
With it being so close to my birthday and all, a couple days ago I wrote a note to myself that I want to share about some of the most important lessons I've learned growing up. Hopefully there will be many more years filled with lessons learned in my future. So without further ado....
23. Smiling fools your brain into believing your happy, even when you don't believe it.....try it sometimes, it works.
22. Friends are often times more family than family.
21. But you're family, dysfunctional as they may be, will always be the cement, glue, fixative, whatever that made you you and if that's not enough to love and respect them, I just don't know what the hell is.
20. Strength is found through faith.
19. The color pink looks good in every shade......every shade.
18. Sometimes its just best to be alone, you can never disappoint yourself.
17. If you treat everyone kindly, with respect and a smile, 9 times out of 10, you can never go wrong.
16. Intelligent people can be dumbasses too.
15. Fall in love slowly and try to avoid TOXIC persons; if you have a bad feeling, listen to your intuition.
14. However, its not about finding the perfect person, but finding perfection in the imperfect and flawed. Love is the most powerful drug in existence and you'll know when its right.
13. Eat. Pray.Love...yeah, I know its a movie and book title, but fundamentally, its a fact of life.
12. Sisters are God given gifts, we fight, curse each other out, laugh and cry together and beat up each other's ex's (j/j) Nothing could replace my sisters.
11. When God gives you a talent, you owe it to the world to use it (hopefully for the betterment of society)
10. Volunteering and helping those less fortunate than yourself is the greatest gift...to you.
09. Boy bands are cool and I dont care what anyone has to say about this statement.
08. I will never be perfect, and that's fucking A-Okay with me.
07. Worry is the most useless emotion, clearly unproductive feelings just leave you in a cycle of misery.
06. Everyone has insecurites; but stop comparing yourself to other people!! You will NEVER be so and so, so let it go, and focus on just making you the best person you can be.
05. Never do more for a person than they are willing to do for themselves (you'll save alot of time...and money)
04. Beauty is truly skin deep.
03. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new, taboo, and ignore the naysayers, usually they're just jealous because they don't have the balls to do the same thing.
02. If you treat your body the best way you can, you can guarantee yourself you will have no other choice but to look great!
01. We always have a choice, always, we can choose happiness, responsibility, peace, and love just as much as we choose fear, sadness, war and hate.
23. Smiling fools your brain into believing your happy, even when you don't believe it.....try it sometimes, it works.
22. Friends are often times more family than family.
21. But you're family, dysfunctional as they may be, will always be the cement, glue, fixative, whatever that made you you and if that's not enough to love and respect them, I just don't know what the hell is.
20. Strength is found through faith.
19. The color pink looks good in every shade......every shade.
18. Sometimes its just best to be alone, you can never disappoint yourself.
17. If you treat everyone kindly, with respect and a smile, 9 times out of 10, you can never go wrong.
16. Intelligent people can be dumbasses too.
15. Fall in love slowly and try to avoid TOXIC persons; if you have a bad feeling, listen to your intuition.
14. However, its not about finding the perfect person, but finding perfection in the imperfect and flawed. Love is the most powerful drug in existence and you'll know when its right.
13. Eat. Pray.Love...yeah, I know its a movie and book title, but fundamentally, its a fact of life.
12. Sisters are God given gifts, we fight, curse each other out, laugh and cry together and beat up each other's ex's (j/j) Nothing could replace my sisters.
11. When God gives you a talent, you owe it to the world to use it (hopefully for the betterment of society)
10. Volunteering and helping those less fortunate than yourself is the greatest gift...to you.
09. Boy bands are cool and I dont care what anyone has to say about this statement.
08. I will never be perfect, and that's fucking A-Okay with me.
07. Worry is the most useless emotion, clearly unproductive feelings just leave you in a cycle of misery.
06. Everyone has insecurites; but stop comparing yourself to other people!! You will NEVER be so and so, so let it go, and focus on just making you the best person you can be.
05. Never do more for a person than they are willing to do for themselves (you'll save alot of time...and money)
04. Beauty is truly skin deep.
03. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new, taboo, and ignore the naysayers, usually they're just jealous because they don't have the balls to do the same thing.
02. If you treat your body the best way you can, you can guarantee yourself you will have no other choice but to look great!
01. We always have a choice, always, we can choose happiness, responsibility, peace, and love just as much as we choose fear, sadness, war and hate.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Super Late Update!
Wow guys! I don't know where I've been these last few weeks!! So much has robbed my attention from my blog and I've truely been itching to set aside 30 min to write. So, here it goes......
So school's started and so far so good. I'm killing this Biomolecular Interactions course...so far at least :/. The roomie's moved in, but we both have such busy lives, we're STILL unpacking and its the second week of classes. I plan to make some fundamental changes in my chain of thoughts this year. For one, optimism is one hell of a drug; a good attitude about things can really change things. I usually get overwhelmed and pessismistic as each semester closes, but if I don't accomplish anything this year, I owe it to myself to just be happy. Damn. Life is too short for frowns.
These last few days have been quite unfortunate however. I lost all of my keys.....AAAAHHH! (I've been holding that in for a minute lol), definetily NOT how I wanted to start off my week lol.
On a side note, I'm sending Sam home; I don't think she really enjoys city living , she'll be better fitted at home in the country. I do want a doggie though, soo maybe its time to start searching for a better suited doggie for me.
This could be the most random blog post ever!! Its 8:17 in the morning and honestly, I just feel the need to let the many random topics running through my brain free....
I can't wait for my B-Day party this Labor Day weekend! I've made the guest list and sent out invites. We're doing dinner and dancing, slumber party (with a MJ dance off) and early morning brunch! Hopefully we wont be sick of each other by the time this is over lol. Time to start searching for a dress and tiara though. IDK what I want though, something colorful and short for sure. Hmmmmmm...........I'm stuck between flowy waves or tight ringlets for my hair. I'm trying to persuade my good friend Jazzy J to do my makeup, she's a guru in the making yall; she has a blog as well, so stop by if you have time; http://loveknowledgenbeauty.blogspot.com/.
As far as this whole dieting thing goes....um.....Diet Coke is the devil! Like seriously, I have a problem. I down about 4-5 of these bad boys a day....they'll be the death of me one day!
So school's started and so far so good. I'm killing this Biomolecular Interactions course...so far at least :/. The roomie's moved in, but we both have such busy lives, we're STILL unpacking and its the second week of classes. I plan to make some fundamental changes in my chain of thoughts this year. For one, optimism is one hell of a drug; a good attitude about things can really change things. I usually get overwhelmed and pessismistic as each semester closes, but if I don't accomplish anything this year, I owe it to myself to just be happy. Damn. Life is too short for frowns.
These last few days have been quite unfortunate however. I lost all of my keys.....AAAAHHH! (I've been holding that in for a minute lol), definetily NOT how I wanted to start off my week lol.
On a side note, I'm sending Sam home; I don't think she really enjoys city living , she'll be better fitted at home in the country. I do want a doggie though, soo maybe its time to start searching for a better suited doggie for me.
This could be the most random blog post ever!! Its 8:17 in the morning and honestly, I just feel the need to let the many random topics running through my brain free....
I can't wait for my B-Day party this Labor Day weekend! I've made the guest list and sent out invites. We're doing dinner and dancing, slumber party (with a MJ dance off) and early morning brunch! Hopefully we wont be sick of each other by the time this is over lol. Time to start searching for a dress and tiara though. IDK what I want though, something colorful and short for sure. Hmmmmmm...........I'm stuck between flowy waves or tight ringlets for my hair. I'm trying to persuade my good friend Jazzy J to do my makeup, she's a guru in the making yall; she has a blog as well, so stop by if you have time; http://loveknowledgenbeauty.blogspot.com/.

I'm having lunch with my personal trainer to formulate a more realistic, achievable fitness/nutrition plan. I just hope she can give me some tips on how to ween myself off of dear DC.
I also decided that I will be blogging regularly 4 days a week; Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. So see you guys Friday, off to study Calculus...ugh.. I suck at math!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Birthday Hoorah!
B-Day weekend was a BLAST! Man, I realized how much I miss when all of my friends get together! The road trip from St. Louis to Springfield flew by because all I remember was laughing at the crazy jokes! Throwback 90's pop and Wayne and Trey..oh yeah, karaoke time babey!
Okay, I must admit, I could not find a pink dress at the mall that I actually like, So I asked the host, who replied that all the other girls were having trouble too, and wore a black cutout. Who'd of thought the mall would be out of pink? Like hello?? Determined to throw SOME pink in the mix, I decided to test the waters with the recent hot pink/fuchsia lip trend like the one on Rhianna below.
Now, I am not a high pigment loving person; nude all the way for me loves. I was very selective about my shade but fell for Victoria's Secrets Muse. I was still shaking when I bought it, like, "Oh Lord, please don't make me look like a clown". Surprisingly, once all the makeup and hair and fit were together I think the pink pulled it all together. I loved the texture of this lipstick, creamy but still very matte. I didn't need a gloss either. It was time to meet the judges; my family. They are very 'tell it like it is' kind of people; especially my mom. After they got over the expected shock of me stepping outside my brick red and pale pink niche, they thought it looked very cute. Okay, I could finally exhale.
So me and my sis A were headed off to The Drunken Fish for sushi and drinks and a good time! I must say, theoretically speaking, the hair was let loose and we shut the place down! I was fashionably late due to the cabbie getting us lost. Boo! Hit the club later that night and headed back to the hostess' for some more cake and slumber party fun!
A Most Memorable Night!
P.S. Yall
I really wish I could have grabbed a pic of all of us, we're missing quite a few girls in this pic. Tear.
Okay, I must admit, I could not find a pink dress at the mall that I actually like, So I asked the host, who replied that all the other girls were having trouble too, and wore a black cutout. Who'd of thought the mall would be out of pink? Like hello?? Determined to throw SOME pink in the mix, I decided to test the waters with the recent hot pink/fuchsia lip trend like the one on Rhianna below.
Now, I am not a high pigment loving person; nude all the way for me loves. I was very selective about my shade but fell for Victoria's Secrets Muse. I was still shaking when I bought it, like, "Oh Lord, please don't make me look like a clown". Surprisingly, once all the makeup and hair and fit were together I think the pink pulled it all together. I loved the texture of this lipstick, creamy but still very matte. I didn't need a gloss either. It was time to meet the judges; my family. They are very 'tell it like it is' kind of people; especially my mom. After they got over the expected shock of me stepping outside my brick red and pale pink niche, they thought it looked very cute. Okay, I could finally exhale.
So me and my sis A were headed off to The Drunken Fish for sushi and drinks and a good time! I must say, theoretically speaking, the hair was let loose and we shut the place down! I was fashionably late due to the cabbie getting us lost. Boo! Hit the club later that night and headed back to the hostess' for some more cake and slumber party fun!
A Most Memorable Night!
P.S. Yall
I really wish I could have grabbed a pic of all of us, we're missing quite a few girls in this pic. Tear.
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